How Long Does Fibre Take To Install?

how long does fibre take to install

The process of installing a fibre optic system can be an emotionally-charged topic for many, with questions swirling about how long it will take, when you can expect to be back online, and how much disruption it is likely to cause. Rest assured, we’ve got this topic covered. In this article, we’ll demystify the process of fibre installation, breaking it down step by step, so you’ll know just what to expect.

At the onset, it’s important to know that the duration for fibre installation is not set in stone. Various factors play a role in this, from the type of your premises to the service provider you’ve chosen. By becoming informed, you can manage your expectations and make the process as smooth as possible, whether it’s your first time getting connected or you’re switching to a different service.

The Initial Pre-installation Process

During the pre-installation phase, a site survey is usually conducted to evaluate the premises and develop an installation plan. This entails inspecting the layout of your property, assessing the availability of necessary equipment, and determining the best route for the fibre cabling. This stage typically takes anywhere from a few days to a week, depending on the complexity of the project and the service provider’s schedule.

Subsequently, when the planning has been finalized, the installation crew will gather the required materials. Time management during this phase is crucial in order to ensure a swift and efficient installation process. But, keep in mind that procuring some products can take a while, dependent on the supply chain or customs checks for imported items. Generally, the gathering of materials takes about a week.

Lastly, following the site survey and material gathering, the pre-installation phase brings the documentation. All agreements should be duly signed for legal and technical protections. All these steps combined, you’re looking at approximately a couple of weeks in the overall pre-installation timeframe.

The Installation Phase

At the outset of the actual fibre installation, the crew begins with laying the groundwork, which involves digging trenches or drilling holes to accommodate the fibre optic cables at your premises. The duration for this largely depends on the complexity of your premises structure and the soil type if underground cabling is involved. Nonetheless, it’s estimated to be within a few days.

The fibre cables are then installed and connected to your premises. This includes connecting the cables to a fibre distribution hub and the optical network terminal at your place, usually taking a day or two.

Finally, the installation crew completes the process by configuring the network settings and testing for any potential faults. This generally wraps up within a day. Consequently, the total time for the primary installation phase can range from under a week to a few weeks.

Please use our coverage map to view availability of our fibre and wireless solutions or contact us if you have questions.

Post-Installation Phase

After the installation, the final stage involves running final system checks and testing the internet speeds to ensure the service is optimized for your use. This could last a day or two. Thus, adding all stages, the comprehensive process of fibre installation chalks up to anywhere between a month to two months, although faster timelines are possible with efficient providers.

In Conclusion

By tallying up the steps and expectations surrounding a fibre installation process, it’s clear that while the installation might take time, the wait is often worth it. From the initial site survey, through to the final speed tests, each stage is essential in ensuring a sturdy and effective fibre installation fit for your needs.

At the end of the day, now that we’ve comprehensively covered the timeframe of a fibre installation, we encourage you to take the leap towards high-speed, reliable internet connectivity. Let our professional team guide you through the process, ensuring minimal hiccups and a smooth transition. Ready to open the doors to endless online possibilities? Begin your journey today and enrich your digital life.